Monday, August 14, 2006

Meet The Contestants:

Tell us about your first time at Toastmasters.

What inspired you to come to your first Toastmasters meeting?

How would you say Toastmasters has improved your life?


What does your Toastmasters profile our club website say about you? (this was a tough love question intended to generate an interest in completion of said profiles by fellow members)

Tell us about of some of the extracuricular Toastmasters activities you've experienced.

What are some of the stregnths of our club?

* * *
chair of international speech contest feb 23
chair person presentation script
"contestant #1 first name last name, name of speech, name of speech, first name last name."

may we have one moment of silence to allow the judges to mark their ballots.
would the timers pls give me a signal at the end of one minute.

would the ballot counters please collect the ballots from the judges?

jugdes pls sign it, fold it and hold it up.

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