Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Project 4) How to Say It

Kim Logue is talking today about Balanced Feedback, so really, she says, the name of her speech should be: Why I love Toastmasters!
Greetings Fellow Toastmasters

Today I decided to talk for 5 minutes on a topic I am passionate about rather than presenting a formally pre-prepared speech. I am really grateful to Toastmasters as a forum and I really look forward to YOUR feedback on this kooky experiment!

Balancing feedback has become increasingly important to me personally because of my learning curve in a new position at the Bank, as well as my recently re-established role as a horseback riding instructor who takes beginners through the introductory program at Myrrdin stables in Georgetown. Not to mention the feedback one benefits from as a Toastmaster!!!

1) I think what we do here is all about providing balanced feedback. We offer evaluations that are helpful, positive, constructive and motivational opinions.
- The tone and content of an evaluation have a great impact: too kind and you deprive the speaker of a spark to improvement and too harsh can cause true hardship;
We are learning to be a better listener and more critical thinker

Toastmasters Script=
Mention something the speaker did well
Mention something that could be improved
And make a SPECIFIC recommendation for improvement

What you feel is important
Be honest and clearly address an issue

* *

2) As an break out room facilitator I was trained that in order to provide the most effective feedback, use name and provide positive to next time feedback in 3:1 ratio.

Satistically 10 to 1 negative outweighs positive - A friend at a party fat pants story

Another key is considering negative feedback as next time feedback. Not woulda shoulda coulda but FUTURE focused.

discuss phrasing using handout

I enjoy receiving feedback from Toastmasters, and I look forward to developing my skills in presenting it. Thanks for allowing me to share some of the important tips I came across on the topic.

Proposed Balanced Feedback Script Handout

Fellow Toastmaster (use name),

I liked (state skill). What you said was (provide direct quote from work), and that was good because (state benefit).

My next time feedback for you is (state most important suggestion.) This would be good because (state benefit). This could be accomplished by (make specific recommendation for improvement).


Kim Logue-like-vogue said...

Evaluator's Comments:

Did Wells:
intro clearly outlined purpose of speech, spoke clearly and used good variety and gestures to put audience at ease and make speech coversational
Next Times:
incorporate more vivid variety of words to achieve speeech targets and add punch to your points
You are a very engaging speaker.

Kim Logue-like-vogue said...

Did Wells: ok - i love your style, the friendly and conversational delivery.
Next Time:
you were very knowledgable about your topic, next time to establish yourself as an authority, share your credentials and experience in the chair's notes?
-- VP Education

Kim Logue-like-vogue said...

Did Wells:
You have a gift. You know THAT right? I love your style of speaking and you have such a lovely, natural flow to your presentations. I love it!
Next Times:
Your crutch word today was sort of. Next time don't tell the audience it is an ad lib speech.
-- Area, Region and Intrntnl Speech Contest Winner/Club Mentor

Kim Logue-like-vogue said...

other notes:
make your points without ending so many sentences in ?
-- good cheer fairy

slightly lessen the force behind gestures and sing songy ness of your voice, or save them for the reeeeally important points.
-- our invisible prez