Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Project 1) The Ice Breaker

Kim Logue volunteered last week to do her ice breaker talk with very little prep time, because no one else was filling the dreadful silence, and, just listing her interests takes over 5 minutes! Brace yourself. The name of her presentation today is "Get to Know Kim Logue-like-Vogue."
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So, I’ve just joined a cult called Toastmasters. I've been to four lunchtime meetings so far, and twice have been made to do a table topic. You know, that’s when you have to answer a question and therefore think on your feet, while public speaking... it's torture. I can't believe I go there voluntarily! Fellow Toastmasters and Honoured Guests, Today, I begin to really practice speaking before an audience!

First of all, I would like to tell you on a personal note that I am 37, divorced, childless and not dating enough. So, please feel free to set me up on blind dates! I live in Toronto and do some creative writing, freelance marketing, horseback riding and coaching in my spare time – while also aspiring as a singer/songwriter/musician. I currently have a full time day job on the 8th floor, and be warned, I am seeking higher paying positions within our organization! So then, let’s start the list of logue-like-vogue interests with my Bank history!

I started as a part time teller with in 1986, my first year at York. Despite that fact that I was a Creative Writing major, I was recruited from university to join the Bank’s Management Training program. I always feel lucky that I got in when I did, because they changed the rules shortly after I did and started expecting BCOMs, not just BAs for the program. I was also lucky enough to complete the training and then be posted as teller supervisor at the very same branch in Brampton!

I was kept interested working through many different roles, including Customer Service Manager, Assistant Manger, and Manager Sales and Service at the Brampton Supercentre. During the days of the $5 service guarantee! I spent most of my time being a teller. But I am proud of the fact that I threw up every Wednesday morning for an entire year, because Wednesday was the morning we changed our hours to accommodate full branch meetings. Even though a staff of 32 reported to me, I chaired this meeting in front of 50 people, including a very foreboding VP and manager in the front row, week after week after week.

I usually say that my most famous job was the role of Manager Customer Care. Because everybody knows there is a department to phone and complain to when you are tired of yelling at your Branch Manager, and that, for a couple of years, was where I worked! I managed the 4 person team responding to over 400 complaints per month, which I remember calculating was probably one fifth of all the complaints in the Canadian Banking Industry at the time. I also had the opportunity to create an intranet site, and to work on a huge sales rally for 3,000 participants, before I left banking and began freelancing.

Which brings us, on the list of interests, to “Left Brain Consulting.” For five years before accepting my current role, I acted as a Marketing Consultant, mostly freelancing for creative clients, although I did also do some short term assignments in the Bank! I have co-produced an album, a short film and also worked on retainer basis with a small publisher. That was really fun because every book they came out with had a different target market! As well as supporting artists, I became one. I have written a poetry manuscript, recorded original songs, appeared on radio, auditioned for TV, and been interviewed for the paper. As well I written many articles, music reviews and interviews published in a variety of magazines and papers.

I am also interested in riding, and have recently re-established a former arrangement with Myrddin Stables in Georgetown to start there again! I will be teaching in September.

I’m afraid I also have an interest in volunteering! Some of my favourite community activities have been hosting kids shows at Harbourfront Centre and acting as a puppeteer in Toronto schools! I have recently been exploring our Bank's "Volunteer Program," and snooping around with Public Affairs to learn more about it. Honestly, I think I aspire to positions within that department...

For sure I am interested in progressing my career within the Bank. That’s why I’ve joined Toastmasters! That’s why I am so grateful for the opportunity today, to introduce myself to the club. And that’s why I am sincerely interested in developing communication skills with such a supportive and encouraging group!!

And, remember what I said about the blind dates!

1 comment:

Kim Logue-like-vogue said...

Evaluator's Comments:
4:52 min, 0 ums, 1 word of the day.

Did Wells:
Clear and audible, nice tonality and mix in voice, good cadence and speed. Use of humour.

Next Times:
Consider use of space (come out from behind podium) and posture.

Overall, you were very natural and jocular and made us laugh with your light approach.