Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More Daily Music Notes

It was so great to pre-jam before the Cornerstone Campfire with Trish & Aimee.  That was some satiating singing!!  We practiced at my place, then the alcove outside the event 2x and 1x in the restroom.  Environments with surprisingly fantastic acoustics, if I do say.

Some day soon I'll share my experiences and thoughts about the New Horizons Band Guelph -- stay tuned!

I have been practicing, at least a couple uke tunes, and one small piano riff, following key tidbits of advice from an article shared at work about Top Practicers:
1) the precise location/source of errors is identified, rehearsed and corrected
2) slow things down to get tricky sections correct then speed things up
3) target passages repeated until stabilized

Speaking of work, I've made a few "Teachers Favourites" print displays of interest and I am pleased that a BOSE t-shirt is on its way to me for completing a product knowledge quiz -- I learned lots and get a prize too?!  It was also a busy time studying manual on the work computer and completing some Account Services self-study tests, and more.  Good times, yes but, suffice to say that I am glad that my store time is being re-focused in future on customer interactions and more hands-on time with the instruments...

I also wanted to mention that I spent a few hours on a Sunday acting as a Factor Juror, and maybe you should too.  It's helpful to the foundation and participants, and can be inspirational/educational for the juror too.  Can't wait to read about the outcomes, or to spend my $25 gift card on artists I reviewed!

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