Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 23, 2011 Meeting, Minutes part 3

aprox 25 guests, with 10 performing
aprox 5 CD sales

Wendell's Set & Other Notes:
Mayor of
Q&A String guage and guitar talk
Round & Round
Q&A Prosity talk
Q&A Key Changes talk (go to the 5 of the new key; 2 minor 5, 1)
Q&A formula re: song structure
tip: FINISH them, and then throw them out if necc
Trees and Rocks
Q&A scales for intros/solos
Chet instrumental
Tips from the handout
Fiddle on the Fire
Q&A lesson in humour writing (parody 25% copyright if agreed)
Q&A career advice = do 365 things a year for your career

Next Times:
[ ] intro song circle section of the session appropriately, so as to generate participant feedback as well as celebrity critque

[ ] require pre-registration for song circle (i.e. top 5 spots only, priority to those with cd? etc)

[ ] keep copy of Tribune write up

[ ] keep feature set to 1 hr, and schedule break

[ ] record more effectively for CFRU documentary!!!

[ ] charge $1 for handouts? tip jar for tips?

[ ] workshop evaluation form?

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