Monday, November 02, 2015

Flash Mob Aspirations?

Did someone say I rocked the tambourine recently?  I'd been wishing that whole nite for a more interactive-jammy sort of affair.   And, I was careful to both a) take breaks and b) not giveaway that dangerous 16 bell instrument ha.  My new favourite song is from that nite, I can't stop singing it:

Yes, I've attended one choir practice, and hope to get there an hour before an upcoming event for another.  Its about the spirit of it all right?  I love how everyone in this group has their own way of jotting notes on the lyrics, and can't wait for the singalong... and, I am grateful for "practice tracks" like this one:

Have you imagined converting the Uke Club into a Flash Mob group of some kind? I have, but instead we have a new regular meeting place, and I attended last night...
Uke Club Songlist
da do ron ron
lion sleeps
what colour r u. (this was supposed to be our practice run thru before playing it in the presence of the actual song-writer, who surprised, delighted and terrified us by actually being in the restaurant... but turned out to be our only rendition, alas)
i wish i knew how it would feel to be free
all my loving X2
miss ohio
wagon wheel
i will
brown eyed girl
lion sleeps

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