Friday, June 20, 2014

Uke Club, Fri June20, 2014

Hit The Road Jack
Harvest Moon
Hey Good Lookin
I Will Remember You
Into The Mystic
I Still Miss Someone
It's A Heartache
I've Been Working On The Railroad
I've Just Seen A Face
   after break:
I Walk The Line
I Have A Dream
Its A Heartache wasn't recorded by the secretary, but I'm sure it was run at least 3x
Just When I Needed You Most
Lay Down Sally

Would you believe we had no rental P/A gear available for demo by the time of uke club? No one asked after the open mic idea, so we skipped it.  And, blasted through the binder, with little re-filing.

And, a sorry lack of horn solos, if I may say!!  Next week the shop's resident horn player is plotting an appearance!  Does anyone mind if I take their picture?

Jim brought lovely rope for us to each draw from for a free uke strap as desired.  We made sure to take a list of new e-mail addresses to ensure Mary's list keeps us all up to date....

the Farewell Friday uke club at the music store is next week, and many can't make it.  who is volunteering to "host" an informal uke gathering and jam at the Pennywhistle for our first Sunday nite gathering?  Details will follow...

In the meantime, perhaps we should consider private lessons?  Or the group uke class? i'm just sayin'

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