Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Nicest Letter Came In Last Week!

it read kind of like this:

Dear Store Manager,

I want to thank you, the store and especially Kim Logue for the weekly Ukulele club. It provides an opportunity for ukulele enthusiasts, such as myself, to gather on Friday evenings. It has become a very important part of my week.
Kim Logue is a wonderful leader. Her love of music and particularly the ukulele has a positive effect on everyone. She has a quiet effectiveness and gives people in the club opportunities to shine both musically and organizationally. Everyone, from first time beginners to advanced players feel comfortable.

Because of the Ukulele Club I feel a loyalty to the store. I wanted to let you know that the Ukulele Club provides Long & McQuade a good opportunity to sell merchandise, both during the Friday evening break and at other times during the week. Since joining the group I have purchased a new ukulele and case, a music stand, a harmonica and have attended a harmonica workshop at Long & McQuade. I also follow Long & McQuade on facebook.

It is difficult to put into words how much this club means to me. The ukulele club has helped keep my spirits high, despite personal challenges and the difficult winter.  My ability to play the ukulele has greatly improved and I am now playing at song circles and open mikes in Guelph, something I would never have considered previously.
Thank you, Mgr, Kim and music store for your support of Guelph music.

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