Friday, January 17, 2014

Uke Club Fri. Jan 17, 2014

7-7:45 Instructional Session, and new songs, with guest instructor
7:45 – 8 shopping break & group uke photo
8 – 8:15 open mic format??
8:15 – 8:45 jamming

Cynthia Kinnunen, by day, specializes in communications, fundraising, event planning, and is the Director of Resource Development for First Light Theatre in Guelph. She also has a blog called Little Red Mixtape, to promote Canadian music that she likes, old and new, on no fixed schedule. She also serves on the boards of the Guelph Arts Council and Guelph Youth Singers, and has a diploma in Arts Administration

As for her musical background, she has been playing since she was a child. She has studied piano, flute, bassoon, voice and ukulele, as well as becoming a certified Kindermusik educator. She completed her Grade Ten Royal Conservatory certificate in piano and went on to pursue an honours degree in music with a major in piano and secondary in oboe.  Recently she launched a ukulele club for grades five and six at a local school.  It was there I caught her teaching the very elements of reading music, from the Ukulele in the Classroom books.  I invited her here today to repeat that lesson, as a very selfish act, ha, and, for her to teach us the Danny Michel tune, that she's been working on with the kids, What Colour Are You.  Imagine a student interpreting it as a racist song! Its about a mood ring. With the diverse-humanist lyric "Why can't we all just communicate?"  Not many of the attendees had previously heard the song.  Luckily, I had an E10p at the ready, not to mention the tune on my iPhone!  I will post you the song list later.  I am still not clear about my copyright conduct in this club ha.  (I still have to look up if we can get that book in for customers at the store.)

Since the poster on head office's web site mentions the "song sheets from meeting #1" I'm also wondering, if the photocopies in the shared songbook were all taken on a day an instructor was present, are we legit? Do we submit setlists as NLMP or no? p.s. I haven't seen the 2014 license in the store yet.  But for sure, my notes for the day include:

What Colour Are You? Blackbirds Are Dancing Over Me, Danny Michel, 2012
Iko Iko

The C G Am F walk got started at least, ha.  It's a good lead in to the Shopping break.

I proposed The Lion Sleeps Tonite as our signature closing number.  Its Ian Reid's arrangement from a Folkway Music workshop when I was first in line to buy a ukulele, that Bev does at the Magnolia Open Stage once in a while.  Maybe one day we can play it making eye contact with each other instead of STARING at the paperwork, lol.

It's a bummer that the headstock of my borrowed Fender tenor uke is cut off in the photo.  My buddy Trish loans me just the best equipment, ha.

Practice Room Rental $21

Other Tunes We Played Together:
Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue
I Will Remember You
Stand by Me
I Walk The Line
These Boots Are Made For Walking
It Ain't Gonna Rain No More
Into The Mystic
Tennessee Waltz

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