Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2014 Proposal, Approved Oct 29, 013

2014 L&M-Guelph Uke Club Proposal
Friday night Uke Club meetings at L&M, from 7-9pm.  
Lessons Waiting Area, Piano Studio #5 or Drum Studio #6 preferred, but Group Teaching Room #7 is also available.  The meetings currently run themselves, I can work the floor vs. participate in the circle as store traffic dictates.
I would like to program guest hosts of the circle to provide a more instructional session once a month.  Invitations I would extend include Eve Goldberg (Blues Skies Orchestra Tune?), Ian Reid (You Are My Sunshine, Lean on Me, Starfish), Tricia Brubacher (Wagon Wheel, Sinead tune, original), Jeff Allman (Fever, Reading Music, Uke/Percussion Tips), Gayle Ackroyd (Cheer Up, Reading Tab). Maybe even Brennan Galley?
A $6 or pwyc charge for participants, will be input in the pos to sku 97 Practice Room rental.  Should the fee be higher for the sessions that include a lesson? And, can the guest hosts get a payout for the amount we collected?
Note that more of an effort can be made to make sales around meetings, especially music stands, tab & staff paper, pitch pipes, tuners and pencils.  Ukes and cases of course also.
Other Random Goals include either creating songbooks or using a projector for song charts during meetings.
A Blog Submission with the set list and other notes and mandatory ukes-as-a-group photo will be submitted to Head Office each week.  Side note: I would like the facilitating and promoting of these sessions to be a staff role, rather than taking lieu time, and name it the L&M-Guelph Uke Club.  What do you think? 

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