Tuesday, April 09, 2013

L&M Uke Club Meeting, Saturday April 27, 2013 1-3pm, + noon session for Uke Kids! Club

It is said that, according to Queen Lili'uokalani  (the last Hawaiian monarch), the word ukulele means “the gift that came here,” from the Hawaiian words uku (gift or reward) and lele (to come).  Will you come, with your instrument, to the next Guelph Uke Club meeting?
We will gather on Saturday, April 27 from 1-3 on the 2nd level of the store, in our largest lesson studio. Please join us!  An RSVP is appreciated because seating is limited, as is a $6 cover charge.
Note that we are also offering a noon Uke Kids club session the very same day! 
You are also encouraged to bring a simple song to share and lead the group in learning - or, a song to perform for us in an acou stic open mic/song circle format.  
New Song Suggestions so far (+ the chords to know) =
Lean On Me C, F, Em, G, 
Hallelujah C, Am, F, G, E7 (good idea, thanks Bev)
Can't Help Falling In Love With You, C, G, F, Em, Am, B7, Dm (pdf and audio attached, thanks Cynthia!)
Looking forward to singing and strumming with you soon!

Please find below some Other Uke News I thought you might like to know about:
1.  There's a Screening of The Mighty Uke in London, On, Sun April 7th, 7:00 PM, which includes performance by James Hill at The Place Theatre London, Ontario

2. Mighty Uke Day  III will take place  May 10  &  11, 2013  in Old Town Lans­ing, MI
and is fea­tur­ing James Hill!  for more info, check Ben's website
3. Our friends at All Together Now are offering a special session in Guelph
with well known uke orchestra leader Eve Goldberg, see the registration form
Saturday, April 20. 1-4 pm. $45

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