Thursday, February 16, 2012

CMW Conference 2010

I was so happy when the Songwriters Association of Canada gave me a free pass to Canadian Music Week, that I snapped a picture to commemorate the moment in the beautiful Royal York Hotel (restroom) in Toronto, Ontario.

Who knew I was about to run into a good buddy from G-town!  We had just collaborated on my song Winter Blues the Guelph Regional Writers Group Meeting before that ...

Jerry got his pass from C.F.R.U. Guelph's Campus and Community Radio station.


I was really relieved that my CD/lyric sheet wasn't pulled out for the Song Evaluations

First of all, at these things they only seem to look at the words. That bababa baby is only about the melody and sing along fun. People love it. But I couldn't take an evaluation from those folks in a room that big like that. Why did I even put one in the box?

Other thoughts for the SAC ? More song structure commentary, more explanation of what is happening, including more feedback on anything that's working...

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