Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Minutes, November 29, 2011

Don filled in as host of the recent Guelph Regional Writers Group Meeting.  He set up his amp in the green room and the festivities went from there!

"We used the Green Room because the stage was set up for the B-Bop event and the patrons weren't really going to dig the singer-songwriters. It made for a suitably intimate evening which is what I was going for."

The Man of Steel once again had not only postered, and promoted, but he collected email addresses on the sign up sheet and sent in some other notes for the minutes...


1. Peter Boyer - New to guelph,former coordinator of the SAC group in Windsor
1st song-about the "war 1812" - country folk feel, 2nd-Chief Tuccumsi-Shinny Worrier, - great story teller.

Afterwards, Peter Boyer wrote "it was nice to finally attend a Guelph writer's group meeting and meet some of the great songwriters and musicians. It was an inspiring night of original music, thanks everyone, for making me feel so welcome!"

2. Peter Light - Dan Pharaoh joined him by playing a CAJON - floor box drum, excellent rhythm,feel and song writing

Peter Light reviewed the event "Good session at ebar last night. Nice to see some new faces out. Looks like we need more time to accommodate all the players. Mark next Tuesday on your "open mic" calendars!"

3. Gayle Ackroyd - teacher at L&M, 1st-"someone's daughter" pleasant storey teller,wrote in a bright key. 2nd,"your nearly prickly face" great written song,fun song about her daughter.

4. William Coon - CD called "Saturday afternoon Cowboys"
1st-"Widow walk" - quick tempo,clear lyrics,great story. soft voice.
2nd-"manitoulin" very Gordon Light-ish feel,good chord changes, excellent song, i loved it

5. Marty Collier - New to Guelph 3 mths,came via London/Toronto -
1st,great fingering, Dobbie brothers ref,played in same key. great left hand on the guitar
2nd "time is right"- song is 10yrs old,wrote while he was waiting for the furnace guy. nice key changes,great rhythm

6. Alex Frank - i invited him,Band called The Golden Retrievers.
1st"Antheim for the middle age" wrote 2 mths ago, slow tempo,this song was the 1st time played in front of a crowd, good melodic,great/funny lyrics
2nd,"farley moet" said he hasn't read any of his books,played in bright key,good tempo,fun story teller
Alex got the most response from the group with smiles,laughter applause. crowd pleaser. great left hand.

7. Dan Pharoah - works at molly blooms,
1st "good guys" slow tempo,bright sounding song,great story teller,
2nd "loosers" - dark song,rougher rhythms,quick strokes with right hand,

8. Jordin Fegin - left handed guitar player, great singer with soft voice.
1st,"your fool" soft sound with good key time changes,
2nd, wrote after being exhausted for 3 days,slow picking with nice tempo,high voice
singing,melody,minor chords.

9. Steve G
1st,"get on with your show" song about his daughter,single father,great story,great voice.
2nd,"about my love- i bring my love" i truly loved this song, IT WAS EXCELLENT!!
he has a Cat Stevens feel

10. Don Sawchuk, Don played 2 songs, then played a new/old christmas song,
he handed out the lyrics and asked for feed back on his song. a few joined in.

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