Wednesday, October 10, 2007


was my table topic, this morning so I did a commercial for the Diggers Christmas Concert and for Hillside (which should be a holiday).

The speech I had to evaluate was called "The Birth Partner" and I commended the speaker for his pre-home-birth-planning as the husband/father/birth partner in the home birth I was lucky enough to be present for was soooooooooooooooooooo ILL (non) prepared. I also suggested that they were in it together for whatever the universe has in store for them (vs. speaker's perspective of his job being to support his wife in the birth she desires) and was a little surprised when ppl laughed. And the General Evaluator said that the the suggestions I made to the speaker about his presentation skills were two pieces of good advice... I was glad I actually hauled myself out of bed on time to make it to the meeting!

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