Friday, January 04, 2013

More Practice

It's true I prefer to do my scales at the office, lol.

This particular homework is from Steve Briggs, Bebop Cowboy.  Who had just sung in front of an audience of 10,000 people (to see if he could) when I showed up and took a couple of AMAZING lessons with him, when I was still living in Toronto.  You can see I am finally adding a "C" scale on the guitar to my tiny musical routine...

Also, at the advice of my new roomie, while I am doing my scales 3X each at least, on all the select (3) instruments, I am saying the notes out loud, at least once, which makes the exercises all the more labourious, lol.

Did I mention another coworker showed me a 3rd piano effort to make? I think its like walking down on C chord or something.  It's so weird to notice the fingers on my right hand don't act independently as the fingers of my left hand!

And that's really all I'm doing musically right now.  I sure haven't written anything for a long, long time.  And, I don't really get why I am doing the scales, I just have to trust that I am developing SOMEthing.

And, I'm waiting for my voice to come back after like a 100 day cold.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Uke Club Meeting #1 (in-store invite)

Long and McQuade - Guelph
30 Arrow Rd (at Woodlawn)

-- folks were encouraged to join the email list with a note to klogue(at), to have the $6 cover charge waived!


accessibility apologies, personal background; L&M uke lessons and teachers event overview, location of washrooms, break at 1:45, hope of celebrity stop ins, uke photo, tour of floor

- self introductions around the circle, especially uke description, method of tuning, if you brought a song/what you want out of event etc.