Thursday, June 14, 2012

SAC meeting notes

the check marks indicate things i was able to bring up for discussion...
it felt good to share the story of "Guelph Speaks" getting me underway as a recording artist lol.

Next Times

i think it would be legit for me to say "i'm performing at a few festivals this year," what with my hillside workshop coming up and the eden mills art festival gig that past...

in the meantime, here's some "notes to self" for next time...

Friday, June 08, 2012

Shepherd's Pub, Elora

Well, wasn't that nice?
after Peter's songs, he packed up his guitar right away, so I boldly asked Sarah the host if I could use hers.  Wasn't it funny that there was no volume for a bit because I hadn't plugged in? ha.

It was really awesome to play with a band.  Drums, bass, pedal steel, fine fine electric guitar, and me on rhythm/acoustic electric guitar.

A fellow jammer, the waiter and at least one other person used the word "beautiful" about the songs I did.  Are they just being encouraging?

We did the L&N and then Rocky Spine.  It was especially fun to give them all a look to s t o p, and then sing one more line.

On the drive home, Peter gave me the best compliment of all
"oh, the band knew where YOU were going."

I'm so grateful we could get out for this adventure together!